Friday, July 16, 2010

National Heroes

I Gusti Ketut Jelantik Biography

I Gusti Ketut Jelantik (??? - 1849) is an Indonesian national hero
derived from Karangasem, Bali. He is the vice regent of Buleleng Kingdom. He played in Jagaraga War that occurred in Bali in 1849. This resistance began as the Dutch East Indies colonial government wanted to abolish the right of journalists now prevailing in Bali, a right of kings who ruled in Bali to take the ship aground in the waters and all its contents. The famous words when it is "Whatever is not going to happen. As long as I live I will not recognize Dutch power in this country. "This war ends as a bellows, all members of the kingdom and its people have fought to maintain the area until the death. But he eventually had to retreat to Mount Batur, Kintamani. At this moment he died. Resistance I Gusti Ketut Jelantik .

Jagaraga War
The fall of the kingdom of Buleleng in the hands of the central Netherlands, on June 28, 1846, has not meant a spirit and soul of heroic kings and people of Buleleng has faded. Along with the fall of the center of the kingdom of Buleleng in the hands of the Netherlands, this has led to soldiers Buleleng of urgency, and the insistence of Minister Jelantik king of Buleleng has taken the decision to quit
troops entered the village to the East Buleleng Jagaraga and define for use as a fortress Jagaraga consolidate his power and as a new royal capital.
There are several alternatives that have been urging Minister Jelantik to make a decision. Alternatives include: Jelantik realize that, the consolidation of weapons its troops out of balance with the strength of the Dutch weaponry, so it will be futile to continue the battle. To avoid this thing finally Minister Jelantik ordered the remains of soldiers and the people who
still loyal to him to resign to the village Jagaraga.
The substantial cause of Buleleng disputes with the Netherlands is: because the king of Buleleng never fulfill the conditions stipulated in the agreement. People openly Buleleng has thwarted the development of the castle at the Customs.

The course of Resistance
On June 8, 1848, the Dutch began to conduct attacks against Jagaraga area with cannon shots rained from the beach Sangsit. For the Dutch coast must be controlled and maintained Sangsit because Sangsit is one of the beaches that can still be used as a liaison between Bali with Batavia. Besides, people can easily Sangsit
nurtured in order to help the Dutch government. In this second Dutch expedition, Dutch troops have been preparing thoroughly. In this expedition, the Dutch military forces transported by ships of war as much as 22 fruits, such as warships Merapi, Agro, Etna, Hekla, Anna, AR Falck, Ambonia and Galen and others. Each warship is equipped with weapons such as cannons and other weaponry.
Dutch defeat in the first expedition to Bali was unexpected, the Netherlands became angry with diundurkannya counterattack in 1848. A Dutch officer bernamaR ochus s en wrote to General Van der Wijck, that if he is required to hold the rank of the current position, he will not rest before it can destroy Jagaraga. With the death of Minister Jelantik then stopped Jagaraga also the resistance against the Dutch troops. In this attack, by holding a battle during the day, the Dutch had succeeded in hitting the center of the defense of the army destroyed Jagaraga, so that is politically fort Jagaraga
whole has fallen into the hands of the Dutch Colonial government on April 19, 1849, with total casualties Jagaraga approximately 2200 people, including 38 people pedanda and stakeholders, over 80 people Gusti, and 83 pemekel, while in the Netherlands suffer casualties as much less 264 more soldiers subordinate or a higher level.

Dutch flag flying.
With victory on the Dutch side that means a new government which will be built under Dutch rule. From that point on the political map rotates towards the others and this opens a new climate for the people involved in the process of government under the Dutch government.

The Dutch raised the King of Buleleng.
In 1849, the Dutch raised I Gusti Made Rai Puri Sukasada as the origin of the retainer in Sangsit to stabilize the situation in war-torn areas are depleted. Meanwhile, the Dutch "entrust" the area under the authority of the king of Bangli Buleleng I Dewa Tangkeban. Dutch Wisdom I Gusti Made Rai makes very offended, no need to entrust to anyone Buleleng region. Indeed the relationship between the kingdom of Bangli Buleleng with previously did not run in harmony as never quarreled.
Some time ago the year 1850 the Dutch government finally decided I Gusti Made Rai as a ruler or king of Buleleng. Associated with these positions, he moved from Puri to Puri Gde Sukasada Singaraja. Puri Gde which was severely damaged when the attack and gunfire Dutch warships in 1846 in part could be repaired by I Gusti Made Rai.

From Castle to Castle Kanginan Tukadmungga.
I Gusti Putu Batan is also known by the name I Gusti Putu Singaraja from Puri Agung Sedahan Tukadmungga assume office when the king of Karangasem, I Gusti Made by I Gusti Ketut patih Jlantik power. As the oldest, I Gusti Putu Batan Singaraja regarded as crown prince by a large family dynasty Panji Sakti.

The Dutch government power
Year 1853. After a while the Dutch side feels threatened and is considered dangerous
Dutch government caused the king, I Gusti Made Rai had seen quite ambitious. I Gusti Made Rai often seek influence among the people and not fully carry out the rules established by the Dutch colonial government. The Dutch government then took off, I Gusti Made Rai from his position as king of Buleleng, and punished with exile to Banyuwangi. Furthermore, the Dutch government is looking for a local ruler or regent for Buleleng. While the demand for emerging communities each with a candidate who is considered the king of the underdog still has a lineage of kings of Buleleng.
1954. I Gusti Putu Kari retainer Kubutambahan led forces Buleleng to Tampaksiring at the request of King Bangli I Dewa Tangkeban to join the war against Herzliya. Buleleng that time under the rule of Bangli. Half-heartedly they went into battle. With the Herzliya which was never intended to be enemies with Buleleng they only pretend to fight.
Buleleng People seem increasingly unhappy with the power of the king of Bangli I Dewa Tangkeban. Relations between the two kingdoms since the first was not able to join hands. Then in the year 1854 the area was restored by King Bangli Buleleng I Dewa Tangkeban to the Dutch government.
To avoid local leadership vacuum the Dutch colonial government tried hard through the general popular opinion back looking for candidates for the ruler of Buleleng. This is where the actual beginning of the political upheavals that struck the Buleleng district, just a simple basic fact. People who still think tardisional want a leader of the descendants of the king of Buleleng. But apparently still difficult to conclude that where and who is worthy of them to occupy the highest leadership in Buleleng. Because of their citizens have keterpautan with periods of past governments, both at the time of power Mengwi origin or time of the reign of Karangasem.
The Dutch government is very careful in listening to a fairly complicated political problems. On the one hand there who want to get a job in the new government but doubted by the Dutch because linkage relationships with I Gusti Ketut Jlantik Patih Buleleng War against the Dutch in Jagaraga. From this the start of their rejection of the existence of the elements associated with I Gusti Ketut Patih Jlantik, especially those who have political interests. They were rushed to deny the existence of blood affinity with I Gusti Ketut Patih Jlantik. They even threw the accusation that I Gusti Ketut Jlantik full conceit that human ambition.
At a time of stagnation in the government ever happened to the Dutch, because precisely March 31, 1855 Mads J. Lange, who has been the Dutch colonial government representative office in Kuta, is replaced by P. L. van Bloetnenwaanders - and is based in Singaraja. Apparently the Dutch high officials who are still less so to understand this new cultural customs of the Balinese. This makes the current government is very tough, because he had to ask for explanations until the small things in order until he was able to understand and make decisions. That's why sometimes important matters could take a long time.
It opens up opportunities for those who do not like the Dutch government system and make square off for action.

I Nyoman Gempol Rebellion
The Dutch government is often deemed incompatible with the desire to make society Buleleng natives do not believe in the Dutch government. This rebellion Perbekel Banjar bepuncak on Java, which I Nyoman Gempol. By the Dutch government's defiance or rebellion, I Nyoman Gempol considered seriously by the Dutch as a fuel because it can spread to other anti-Dutch. So with no-liability tangggung Dutch government deployed troops with naval fleet under the command of Marine Lt. Col. van Hasselt. Number of troops in a battalion headed kamandan Lieutenant Steyn van Heemskerk. The Netherlands deployed no less than eight warships just to muffle the rebellion I Nyoman Gempol.
Troops landed on December 11, 1858 in Customs Buleleng. But the Dutch troops also made dizzy. With an ultimatum addressed to the people of Banjar in Java so that in three days I Nyoman Gempol must be submitted to the Dutch side, finally I Nyoman Gempol can be arrested. Then exiled to Java.
The story from many referrences.
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